
2019-02-22-02 What would I tell my younger self

My sister was visiting from out of town this week. Yesterday, she asked me at breakfast what advice I would give my younger self. I wimped out and said I hadn't really thought about that. That was bullshit. On reflection, I have my answer. "Pay yourself first". But not in the superficial way. It's not hoarding money in savings accounts or bottom drawer envelopes or buried back yard coffee cans. That thinking violates the money rules that make for successful, wealthy and joyous people. My younger self did not know or comprehend the money rules. They don't teach this in school and, quite frankly, the ruling powers of government and business would prefer you never discover them. For these are the keys to financial freedom. You can see my post on money rules here.

2019-02-22-01 Why A Journal

I started keeping a journal when I became a consultant. On my first assignment, I was scared. I felt like a fraud. I didn't have every answer. I didn't have a roadmap. Sometimes, I felt I didn't know what I was doing. A very wise man told me I didn't have to. He explained that I knew much more than those I was guiding, and I'd keep learning while they worked to catch up. I read more books that first year than in my entire college life. I learned fast. And I journaled. I created a road map. Years later, looking back on those journal notes, containing tips and tricks that worked, enabled me to create my first ebook. People have been buying that book for years, even while I'm off working on other projects. Passive recurring income from work I did years ago. It's exciting, every time I get an email that someone bought the book. I'm certain you can do that too. You have unique and special skills. Knowledge and insight that no-one else has. And that ...